Leaving so soon? Well, these are some miscellaneous but very cool sites, visit them if you get a chance:
Robin's Nest for Writers and Web Surfers--lots of writing workshops and links to anything book-related.
Slambooks--Get your own slambook! Lots of random questions to ask your friends on a bulletin-board-type thing.
Tamora Pierce's Webpage--webpage about Tamora Pierce by Tamora Pierce. Find info on books, faq, appearances, etc. Very cool.
Steelsings' Tamora Pierce Webring Sites--A list of the best Tamora Pierce sites out there. to do if you're REALLY bored, like popping virtual bubble wrap., being obsessed with books, it would figure that I have a link to this site. Buy books and CD's, read and write reviews, stuff like that.
If you want me to link to your site, email me. Come back soon!